Ann Henrietta Quayle

Ann Henrietta Quayle at Supportmatch.


Ann Henrietta Quayle recently joined the team of Supportmatch as Head of Outreach. She was born in Japan and was educated in an international community. During her twenties she lived in Egypt and worked in education. Here in the UK she has worked for charities and taught in the Life Long Learning Sector as well as doing voluntary work with the older generation.


When she discovered Supportmatch she was delighted to find a solution to the ever-increasing problems of loneliness and lack of funding for our elderly citizens. This became evident while she helped her mother in her last years, when the only solution was for her to give up work.


Alongside work she spends time caring for her family, gardening and getting involved with crafts and a book club. When time allows, she loves to travel with her family and visit friends.


Ann Henrietta Quayle

Mobile: 07742 807677


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